This is where the magic happens♥

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Updates on Elder Frenette♥

Hello Everyone, 

It's been a bit of time since I have last updated concerning my brother. It's been kind of difficult receiving information because David is kind of a hit or a miss. Anyway, From what I hear he is doing amazing. He loved being in the MTC for a few weeks. He felt the Holy Spirit very strong and continued to be confirmed that what he was doing was indeed right. 

He is now at his first mission area and he is in a dinky town in Kansas. He is doing really well. And for his first official companion he has a crabby keep him in your thoughts and prayers. I wrote him his first's just mailing it that seems to be the issue. I can't find stamps and I know we have them! I may have to break down and go out and buy some. 

Anyway, here's a picture of him at the MTC with a group of missionaries. He is the one wearing glasses, with his eyes closed and smiling! He has a tan colored strapped backpack on. That's the biggest smile I have EVER seen on him and that is a wonderful thing! 
I am so proud of him! He is definitely a strong spirit and I know He will bring many souls unto the Gospel of Jesus Christ! There's a scripture that I wanted to share with him but I forgot to put it in the letter: 
The verse is in the Book of Mormon Alma 37:14 
"And now remember, my son, that God has entrusted you with these things, which are sacred, which He has kept sacred, and also which he will keep and preserve for a wise purpose in him, that he may show forth his power unto future generations."
I want to share one more verse in the book of Mormon Alma 37: 7 
"And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about His great and eternal purposes; and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls."

My brother David is the means to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ upon the face of the earth. Our church has so many missionaries around the world sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and this is bringing about the Lord's will and work unto many souls. This is a beautiful work that so many on missions or not can bring to pass and help another out. I love these verses; they are so powerful and share a powerful and sweet message of our Savior and God's will. I am thankful my brother David made the prayerful choice to serve a mission in the errand of our beloved Savior Jesus Christ. I know He will be blessed and I know He is protected and blessed each day. :) 

Name tag or not, as members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we are ALL missionaries in our deeds and words and people do watch us! I am thankful to have the gospel centered in my life and I am thankful for the special relationship and friendship I have always had with Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father; especially, before I came to this earth. I hope I am doing all I can to preserve the ways of the Lord and I hope that in the end I will be able to be embraced physically in the arms of my brother Jesus Christ and my Heavenly Father. 

I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. 


The fish is stinking up the place. .. . .

Hey Fellow Bloggers, 

I know sometimes I come up with random titles for these blogs... I find it awkward to name certain blogs, so I come up with something weird to express my, if you like it well hey I will keep doing it and if not, sorry. 

Anyway, last night I hung out with a woman that lives like down the street from me LITERALLY and she is so eccentric! I love her! She reminds me of how I used to be before I made some interesting choices in my life and lost the certain capabilities for some years. It's slowly coming back to me of course. Anyway, you have no idea what I am talking about. I do and she does and that's what matters. Anyway, we sat and talked till almost midnight. We lost track of time because we were so in tune with each other and what we were talking about! I did NOT feel awkward at all around her. I felt pure peace being in her home with her and this was the FIRST time we actually talked and held a conversation. I learned so much about her in just a few hours. I hope we can hang out again soon. 

It's funny, since I have moved to Kentucky it's been hard to make friends. I have made some acquaintances in the beginning but they never evolved into friendships. This tells me that it probably wasn't mean to be...and I have been cool with it. I am pretty content by myself but I do get lonely. Anyway, I have been trying to make friends since being in the Radcliff ward and I have made some acquaintances and none of them are my age. They are older than I am and have grand kids. I count them as my angels. I have always been able to make friendships with the elderly since I was a child. I admire them and their advice and I tend to take their advice over someone younger than me because they have lived and been there. This isn't saying that I never take the advice of people my age; but, when it comes to huge life changing events for example, I tend to turn to Heavenly Father because well He is older than all of us and every time he has sent someone much older than I am to help me out. :) 
Well while I appreciate my older friends, I have been wanting a friend around my age to hang out with and I met Vanessa and even though it took us a while to hang out, she asked me over this week and I am so glad I took her up on that offer. She is not who I thought she was! This is a lesson learned not to place judgment on people before getting to know them. I wasn't trying to judge her in a negative was more like I felt like she wasn't interested. I felt like I wasn't good enough to be her friend. Well, she is accepting and open minded. So for those of you that have been trying to get to know her...don't give up. The spirit didn't let me give up. I wanted too hang it up and move on but the Spirit was so pressing and I am glad I listened. Hopefully since we got to hang out yesterday and talk for hours...maybe this will be the beginning of a beautiful successful friendship. I can see that she is not one of those ditzy immature females that think the world revolves around them. She is a committed mother to her daughter Emma and she is also a committed wife which is PLUS PLUS infinity to her husband Danny. She has high standards like I do and I have been looking for that and have NOT been able to really find that very often. It's only been a few that I have been able to build strong friendships of trust and know that they are striving to be virtuous as much as I am. 

Unfortunately, In this generation a lot of women have no respect for their friends because they flirt and befriend their friend's spouse and something ends up happening and Vanessa DOES NOT strike me as that kind of person. So, we will see where this takes us. 
 By the way, Vanessa, thanks for getting me into HUGE trouble last night! I could have sworn that I was going to be GROUNDED for life! ;) :) HAHAHA. 

Anyway, there is a REASON why I named my blog title for this post like that, "The fish is stinking up the place"...well here it is, I have been seeking approval from a certain someone for almost two years and sometimes it's given to me and other's not. Well, I talked with my sister today and she spruced me up with a plan. :D 
I have to focus on me. I have to make some goals and go out there and accomplish them! I have to help me feel GOOD about myself instead of depending on that certain someone to help me feel good about myself. So here are my three goals: 

1. Obtain my Driver's License by the end of July 2012. 

2. LOSE WEIGHT! Goal is to lose 30 POUNDS! I miss wearing size 7 jeans and It's time to shed the "I'm comfortable with marriage" weight. 

3. Finish my math! I have been putting that off for way too LONG! 

These are my three goals and by darn diggity I am going to accomplish them no matter how UNMOTIVATED I will feel! ***There may be some posts where I am discouraged...BUT I have to tell myself that this is a benefit for me! I need confidence and high self esteem more than anything.
I am tired of the fish (my low self image of myself) stinking up the place! It's not fun and it's degrading. It's time to put my foot down and run this place! 

I hope that Heavenly Father will continue to bless us in our endeavors and I hope that more than anything he will help mend a lot of broken relationships. I hope he will continue to have His hands in what's important. 

See you all on the flip side, 


Friday, June 8, 2012

MUST press on or else malfunction...


I feel like I must rant and rave a little please read on if you are interested. :/ 
I feel like my heart strings are being pulled literally into several directions and my heart is wrenching! It's everything all at once and I can't seem to escape it. :( It has COMPLETELY affected the way I sleep. For the past couple of months I have been going to bed off and on late. Well recently, I've been getting to bed at like 2 in the MORNING! My eyes are heavy and I am obviously tired...I just CAN'T sleep. Insomnia GO away! :( Well, Andrew asked me this morning why I haven't been going to bed with him and I FEEL so bad because it's not his fault...It's the fact that insomnia sucks! He has offered to take me to the store and buy these vitamins my dad takes to help relax him and help his mind prepare for sleep. I have taken 3 days worth in the past and it does work. They are so expensive at the store though! Like close to 10-15 bucks each. Oh the horror. I have to do something about it. I don't want to take sleeping pills because I don't want to feel like I need them. I believe in vitamins more than I believe in narcotics. :) I know Andrew misses me going to bed with him. 
Why can't I sleep you may ask? 
Well, first, I naturally have a lot on my mind already (I'm a woman); however, recently especially my anxiety has increased a few notches and my mind is speeding up. When I try to go to bed, I find myself tossing and turning and laying their awake with my eyes heavy and it's such a contradiction. I get up because it's not fair to Andrew seeing that he has to work every day and waking up early is a requirement. 
I've been keeping my thoughts centered on the Savior at least I have been trying to. Constantly recently, I have been finding myself thinking WWJD? My life recently has taken a huge step that I never saw myself facing but the Lord has inspired me to do so and Our Father in Heaven speaks louder than I do. Seriously. His prompting was like, "sit. be quiet. and listen." He did it ever so lovingly. I realized that I have been living my life in fear rather than in hope and it needed to change. I have recently had to face my demons head on and it is very tiring. I am emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted. Of course some good has come out of the steps forward I have's although, taken a toll on me. I thank Heavenly Father that Andrew is so busy with work, school, and his callings right now because I've been able to have some space to accomplish my tasks and promptings at hand with success. I am thankful despite how busy Andrew is that he has been a major support to me and that he has continued to shed forth patience, trying to have understanding though he mostly can't understand, love, compassion and a shoulder to lean on and sob. He is amazing! I have amazing men in my life and Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and Andrew are a few of them. :) 
Despite my feeling of needing to reboot....
I have NOT been alone in this journey so far nor have I ever been alone. I have always had angels around me and some of them have become good friends of mine and people I am able to trust. :) Trust. It's a funny little word. However, YES for those of you that know me was always hard to trust for me and I am learning to trust. I am amazed at the progress I am making. Only positive can come from it. I know without a doubt that our Loving Heavenly Father is ALWAYS REGARDLESS near and He is only a question or a thought away. He hears us. He KNOWS us individually. The recognition of all these wonderful recollections of the blessings in my life and in the lives of the people I love and care about have never become so apparent as it has recently. My testimony has been strengthened and despite my never ending mistake making I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and those Holy Angels are all around me and though I am feeling weary and sort of faint from the situations that have surfaced...I know without a shed of doubt that I am safe. I am loved. I am cared for. I am NOT alone. I am listened too. I am smiled at. I am special to my Heavenly Father whom has a very special plan for me. 
With all this being said...
I know the weariness, faintness, misunderstandings, anger, sadness, overload of emotions and thoughts will come to pass and I will be strengthened and forever changed in a positive way. I know without a doubt that I am doing what the Lord wants me too otherwise steps wouldn't have been taken. Though I find myself making some of the same sins again, I learn each time and I am strengthened and forgiven once more because Heavenly Father knows my heart better than anyone else and He knows I will not give up on Him nor on His plan. He knows that I have weaknesses and I am still learning. I am thankful for Him and for His son Jesus Christ. I am thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and how I have with the help and encouragement of Heavenly Father allowed it to enrich my life even to this very second. 
Though malfunctioning will be easier than these heart wrenching experiences I face this day; I know that I must be a pioneer and take the handcart in my own hands and climb forward. I must make the difference and provide a better and positive future for myself and my future family. I must hold on and press forward as this all shall come to pass. 

Thank you for reading. I feel rejuvenated. :) I know our loving perfect Heavenly Father and His beloved Son Jesus Christ loves us with a perfect love we can't muster quite yet. I know He knows each and every one of us perfectly than we know ourselves. I know He has a plan for us and that He does care. I know he listens and answers. We must prepare ourselves to receive answers and we must chasten ourselves. My goal is to lead a righteous life as Christ lived when He walked the earth and as He continued to love us and fight for us when we petition in prayer. 
With this being said, I feel much better and lighter on my feet. I know the plan of Heavenly Father will come to pass and soon we will meet our maker. I look forward to it and I know I must prepare and mend my ways. 
HOPEFULLY, I will start getting better sleep and start going to bed at a decent hour. Hopefully, those vitamins will work and I thought of something! I am going to ask Andrew for a blessing when he gets home. :) 
I love my readers and appreciate you stopping by. Thank you!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Lesson Reminders for Primary♥

I have discovered a side of me that I should have unleashed a long time ago. :) That is my crafty side. She has been hibernating way tooo long! :) 
When I prepare my lessons for my Sunday school primary class, I typically come up with something creative to give to the children at the end of class. It will be something on the lines of reminders of the lesson. Something they can put in their journal, scriptures, wall, or fridge. Here is my latest: 

I used Microsoft word and clip art to make these cute books. I used text box and typed in the guide lines the kids plan to follow when it comes to reading their scriptures. :) 
I used ribbon I found in my scrapbook box and measured the ribbon against the paper. When I found out what length I wanted, I then taped the ribbon hanging on the back and let a little hang on the front. 
My husband is an artist at heart too and came up with this great idea to use a lighter at the ends of the ribbon so it doesn't fringe. :) He is amazing. 
The kids seemed to really love the idea and were excited to put them in their scriptures. 
 I used clear type as I felt this would enhance the craft best instead of using colorful tape. 
 I tried to use different colors to give variety to the children. :) They loved it! 
I only used ribbon because I like how it feels on my hands and I also love how it lays. If you happen want to use this idea for your class, you can tweak it how you want. Some would maybe like to use yarn. Which is fine. :) 

So little can happen in a month; yet, so much can...♥

Hello Everyone!

It has been awhile since I have last posted and I am sorry. I have been nose deep in errands and other things calling for my attention. I am finally able to post and it is almost 1 am where I live. I am indeed sleepy; however, I have insomnia as well. This happens quite often; when it does, I typically use my time to make up for what I couldn't accomplish during the day. One would think that since I have no children, I would be able to accomplish all my chores and errands...well, this is not the case. :/ I am thankful for insomnia some nights...others I would like to go to sleep at a decent hour and wake up more refreshed. 

Anyway, It has been a few months since I have had a job and at first I loved being at home because it was new...and than after it set in that being a homemaker is what I will be doing for awhile set in, I lost interest. NOW? I love being a homemaker! I have discovered sides of me I didn't know were possible. I am amazed. I have discovered my crafty side and I have made several project ideas come to life. :) I feel useful! I will post pics...that will be under labels on my blog. Anyway, my husband has his own thing he does every day such as work, school, and church responsibilities. Since we rarely get time together as is, I have found ways to use my time wisely. I plan on picking up piano soon...I have always wanted to learn how to play the piano. A wonderful nice woman in my ward (sis Hahn) has offered to teach me and I haven't taken her up on the offer officially yet because I want to make sure that I am 100% interested in learning before I think to waste her time. 

Summer has started for most students as they are now out of school. I have noticed throughout the day the internet is slower and this typically means that there are more people in my area on the computer. This is okay. I really shouldn't be on the computer all the time anyway. 
I have picked up P90X officially and I love it! I have noticed a great amount of difference to my body than I noticed before. I want to keep slimming down. I want to have healthy weight. :) 

Anyway, things with me are going fine. 

I better get to sleepiness is catching up to me! I will write tomorrow or some other day when I remember. Good night bloggers!
