I haven't written for awhile. Life has caught me into it's loop again.
What's new? I am sure you don't want me beating around the rock; I'll just hop skip to the point...I started a few free courses that BYU offers. It's classes that help strengthen skills we need in life and so on. I am taking courses on:
I have decided to start with these courses. They are all self paced and 2 out of 3 of these classes are graded. I am grateful that BYU offers these sort of classes.
Anyway, I haven't started the lessons yet; I have looked through the syllabus and whatnot for 2 courses so far. I will start them tomorrow.
It was an out of the ordinary photo shoot; but, I LOVED every minute of it! I photographed a good friend of mine's chickens, peacocks, ducks, butterflies, and land. Her husband runs a website for the peacocks, chickens, and ducks for breeding and selling purposes. The rest was for practice. I have a niche for nature just like my Nana had. I look forward to editing some of the photos and putting them on my Photography Facebook page.
Yesterday, I spent the evening writing out my photography release forms for my upcoming clients. I did some research as well and saw how other people did theirs.
What else is going on? Hmm...Andrew and I's two year wedding anniversary is coming up next month! We are really excited about that. We are still 100% sure we made the right choice in choosing each other! We KNOW Heavenly Father brought us together. We look forward to what He has in store for the two of us. We plan to try for a family in the next few years. Right now, we are educating ourselves, still striving to get ourselves financially stable, and enjoying each other without having the responsibility of having children right at this moment. It's for other people to have children within the first two years of marriage; good for them, but, that's not us. I always saw myself when I was younger having children right away; but, now that I have grown up a little and matured through my personal issues along with Andrew, we are in no rush. Eternity has no time frame and we know Heavenly Father will send us children when He perceives it to be the right time.
I am so fond of the Bower's; especially Leslie and her husband. They definitely prepped and encouraged my brother to see beyond what he thought was the limit. They helped him prepare for a mission emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. They have also encouraged him and helped him see his true potential. There are some people out there that would try to take that credit; but, ultimately it's the Bower's and other family friend's that helped him mature into a worthy and strong priesthood holder. Thank you Bower family!
I have gotten into baking and creating art projects more in the last few months. I have discovered fondant recently and will actually create with it today. I am so excited!!!
Though I am afraid of being vulnerable in front of other people; I have decided that I am going to take three other women with me and we are going to sing in sacrament meeting. I spoke to my friend Susan and she suggested we victimize another soprano and alto. She is an alto and I am a soprano. Maybe we will sing something for Christmas. I am currently picking out a song since this is ultimately my project. Speaking of projects, I have decided that I am going to complete the Personal Progress program that the Young Women are required to accomplish. I may not earn a pendent or certificate; but, I'd like to be able to say I did it. I accomplished this and find out what the hype is all about. Thankfully I have a friend that is in the young women's program presidency.
I am still an Activity Day Leader and Primary Sunday school teacher; I love it! At first I hated being in Primary for the sheer fact that I wasn't in relief society with women my own age anymore; however, now I am seeing why Heavenly Father placed me in this calling. He is preparing me for my own children. He is helping me personally as well grow into the woman that He knows I am meant to be. I have learned and grown so much emotionally and spiritually since having these callings. I have the girls and the lessons that have come out of it to thank. I thank Heavenly Father every day. It's amazing how you think in a calling that you are meant to help someone else; but, than realize it's not just another person that's being helped out; it's yourself as well!
Have a blessed rest of your week!