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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The need for sexual content everywhere

Hello Bloggers and friends, 

We live in a very sex addict world where even the most seemingly innocent movie has sexual content in it. This is a hugely growing problem in our world. My husband and I wanted to see a movie tonight at our local theatre and were severely disappointed that all but one movie had sexual content related material in their scenes. It's not just the actual sex scenes that I am getting at. It's all of the sexually related content that leads to the imagination that utterly bugs the crap out of me as well. It's crude content that don't fit in the movie's plot and it's scenes that we know were just thrown in there to boost the ratings. 

For example, why does every movie have to have a hot seductively dressed actress in its casting? Women don't dress or act that way on a regular basis in real life. Why do their personalities have to either be like GI Jane or miss prissy? Really? I am a woman and I am neither of those roles. I keep sexy behind closed doors with my husband as I don't feel the need to flaunt everything I have to the world. Why actresses even agree to do these roles is confusing to me other than that they get paid for it. However, what happened to morals and values? Is this old fashioned as well? Apparently. I really got excited about going to the movies tonight and ended up disappointed and angry that our society has accepted this trash to be in movies and television shows. 

I hate to sound like a "broken record" but NOT EVERYONE wants to have to put up with this content in almost everything. It is a turn off! Some people say, "well ignore it then" Well as time goes on, it's getting harder to ignore it because its in your face! In billboards, in daily conversations amongst strangers, on the internet one click away, in children rated movies like the smurfs or Rio. It's on television of shows young teens watch like Pretty little liars. Why would anyone even think of a title like that without having a sexual idea behind it? Pretty. Little. Liars. Sounds like a soft porn title. It's not something that can be just ignored because it's no longer just subtle sexual content like it is today. In every action movie these days there has to be a sexy actress and her either doing nude shots, or being seductive, or fighting seductively in scenes, or just being in your face. Honestly, I am visual and so are plenty of other people in our world, when seeing this stuff subtle or not, it leads to the imagination and creates curiousity. 

Since the world has this corrupt saying that all men and women look and its okay for us to put this kind of content in all media...its now everywhere! I refuse to watch television because almost every channel has this smut on it like what's with the client list with Jennifer Love Hewitt? Really? I have never seen the show but the commercials are enough sexual explicit content and its not just aired on LMN (Lifetime movie network) it's also aired on the discovery channel for example. We've really gotten to this point. My fear is pretty soon we are going to start airing porn in broad daylight for free on cable television channels. 

The world needs a rude awakening! Not all men and women look. There are actually good people out there that are faithful to their spouses and refuse to watch that as it's incredibly irritating. I hate how the world justifies what porn is. Uhm, porn is anything sexually related content whether it be nudity in a movie or a sex scene with audible and visuals. Porn is on different levels from soft to hardcore and just because its not hardcore (some movies such as recent action films have hardcore versions) doesn't mean it's not porn. Anything that has sexual content in it automatically leads to thoughts which eventually lead to action. For example what were the creators thinking when allowing Megan Fox to star in a child's movie "Transformers"? I hadn't known who she was until I did research and what popped up immediately in my research was pictures of her posing in the porn industries magazines such as Maxxim and Hustler. She had nude pictures to her in lingerie. Not to mention she shortly after starring in Transformers starred in Jennifer's Body as a seductive killer. (I hadn't seen the film but again the trailer was everywhere). Obviously casters realize that when they star an actress or an actor that those fans will look for other movies or television shows of their favorite star and watch that content as well. They realized that movies like Transformers, children watched those movies as they pulled the idea of remaking from the cartoons and comic books. My brothers who are younger than 14 (excluding my 19 yr old brother) watched transformers and some of their friends looked up Megan Fox and next thing you know they were hooked. I know some friends of mine that had young teens boys and they were hooked on porn because of that actress being in that movie. Not too mention there were some inappropriate scenes shot of her in both transformer movies. 

We live in a world where everything is about the adult being entertained and we also live in a world where censorship is almost non existent. Love has turned into lust and confused with love. Our children are experimenting at an even earlier age and men are consumed by justifying their actions. It's not only women that hate how the world is sex crazy; I know some men that feel the same way. 

We are really living in the end days and satan is doing EVERYTHING in his power to destroy what God created and intended. It's FACT. I plan on keeping my family safe as possible. We won't justify what's bad. We won't have cable television. We will pick family safe movies even if that means we resort to some old films. Nothing is safe anymore when it comes to family centered films especially. 

That's my ranting. Thanks. 


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