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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

So little can happen in a month; yet, so much can...♥

Hello Everyone!

It has been awhile since I have last posted and I am sorry. I have been nose deep in errands and other things calling for my attention. I am finally able to post and it is almost 1 am where I live. I am indeed sleepy; however, I have insomnia as well. This happens quite often; when it does, I typically use my time to make up for what I couldn't accomplish during the day. One would think that since I have no children, I would be able to accomplish all my chores and errands...well, this is not the case. :/ I am thankful for insomnia some nights...others I would like to go to sleep at a decent hour and wake up more refreshed. 

Anyway, It has been a few months since I have had a job and at first I loved being at home because it was new...and than after it set in that being a homemaker is what I will be doing for awhile set in, I lost interest. NOW? I love being a homemaker! I have discovered sides of me I didn't know were possible. I am amazed. I have discovered my crafty side and I have made several project ideas come to life. :) I feel useful! I will post pics...that will be under labels on my blog. Anyway, my husband has his own thing he does every day such as work, school, and church responsibilities. Since we rarely get time together as is, I have found ways to use my time wisely. I plan on picking up piano soon...I have always wanted to learn how to play the piano. A wonderful nice woman in my ward (sis Hahn) has offered to teach me and I haven't taken her up on the offer officially yet because I want to make sure that I am 100% interested in learning before I think to waste her time. 

Summer has started for most students as they are now out of school. I have noticed throughout the day the internet is slower and this typically means that there are more people in my area on the computer. This is okay. I really shouldn't be on the computer all the time anyway. 
I have picked up P90X officially and I love it! I have noticed a great amount of difference to my body than I noticed before. I want to keep slimming down. I want to have healthy weight. :) 

Anyway, things with me are going fine. 

I better get to sleepiness is catching up to me! I will write tomorrow or some other day when I remember. Good night bloggers!



  1. Just so you know, that pink is hard to read on your background.

  2. Thanks for letting me know! :) I will change it.
